Sunday, September 4, 2011

What time?

It seems that in today's day and age, step one - make time to pay attention and think about one's actions - is harder than ever. How is someone supposed to have enough time in a day to work, learn, see their family (and friends) and still find some time to analyze how they're doing? Not to mention actually improving themselves after noticing their deficiencies!
It's almost a catch-22. How does someone make enough time to think and realize that they need to make time?

1 comment:

  1. I refer you back to the author's introduction. He claims too much time is spent studying other things - Torah, for example (his example!).
    There's a famous story about someone (I think it was a secular Jewish journalist) who told R. Yisroel Salanter that he was very busy and only had time for either Torah or Mussar. Which should he do? (A trick question designed to get Reb Yisroel in trouble.) Reb Yisroel replied that he should learn Mussar - and then you'll realize you have a lot more time for learning!
